Parents and Friends,
I am sitting, along with your students, in a Micky D’s in Lima. It is two stories, has it’s own separate coffee bar, and is probably the nicest place in town, and better than any American McDonald’s. Your students are safe, healthy, and happy. We will see you in just over 20 hours!
Parents and Friends,
What an amazing trip it has been! God has done marvelous things in both your students and the people of Matucana, Peru. We will be taking a bus this morning back to Lima. After arriving in Lima, our day will be filled with a debriefing, shopping at the local markets, and finally preparing to board our plane, which leaves at midnight. We should arrive in Dulles (not Reagan) Airport at 11:30 am, local time (EST). This will most likely be my last post, as the internet will be unavailable for the rest of the trip. However, I will be reachable by cell phone once we land in Atlanta and Dulles. My number is 706()414()4417.
Parents and Friends,
Your students are a shining light in the darkness! This morning, they were able to go and witness the start of a 21 mile race through the Peruvian mountains. It was very interesting and there was much fanfare. Afterwards, we made our way to a local school where we had been invited to perform the drama for a group of catholic teenagers on retreat. We performed the drama twice, and are now resting for a while before heading back out. This afternoon your students will be performing the drama for the runners who complete the race as they return. Tonight we perform for the church at their evening service. Thank you for your prayers!
Wow, what a week it has been. It seems as though we have been here much longer than we have. The kids have been wonderful and have a great work ethic. You would not believe how hard they have worked here in Peru. They are great ambassadors of Christ and I am proud of them. It has been fun to get to know each of them and I would travel with them anywhere. Thank you for your prayers.
I just got back from our 15 minutes of radio program. My Peruvian partner and I shared the discussion and we want to hear from someone in the town how it came out. thanks for praying. Our teams were busy painting and did not hear the radio. Our skits in town have been powerful and the teens are so good at spreading out after the skit and talking to the crowds and sharing the gospel. I feel like we had so much more to do and we are already out of time. I personally feel so at home and i love to watch the teens when they are enjoying themselves. We stayed out til 1:30 am watching the most incredible fireworks show I have ever seen built and a huge bamboo castle. the bands that played all night, one band especially, were professional and top notch. I absolutely felt it was god’s gift to us despite the fact that it was supposed to honor a town saint. I thought that could not be toppped when we were ushered in to the bull ring stadium, front row to watch the elegantly dressed fighter. The arena, actually the whole town, is in an amphitheater made by the huge mountains tightly surrounding us. Right behind us rose these sheer cliffs at the very edge of which sat people looking down some 75 feet or more onto the bull fight- free ticket to the fight. Quite the experiences. Tomorrow we will assist in the ceremonies for the mountain race that leaves from this town. we will perform our skit again in front of whoever comes to witness the winners of the race. We have crammed much living into these few days and I pray it will change all our teens forever, giving them a love for other cultures and for sharing the gospel. Thanks for your prayers – we could not do any of this in our own strength and god promises when we give his word it is not in vain. See you all soon. Special love to George, Eden, Katie, and Ben.
Parents and Friends,
Pictures are up! While definitely not all of the pictures we have taken, it is a general overview of our trip so far! Look at the picture page to view them! Your students amaze me more and more and each day, and fill my heart with gladness at the missional spirit they possess. Today the students are painting a local church and may have an opportunity to perform the drama tonight in front of several hundred people. Please be praying for a man of favor when we ask permission! I can honestly say that I am proud of each and everyone of these students. Continue in prayer! Dios le vendiga (God bless you!)
The Leadership Team
Parents and Friends,
Buenos Dias! Good morning! Today is the day that the Lord has made! Your students are doing great! Last night we were able to perform the drama three times! Twice in the plaza (main area of town), and once in a school for a dance team. Both times your students were very bold in sharing their faith. Today is another day of working and evangelizing. Some will be going door to door meeting and sharing with people, while others will go to schools and even paint a playground that we have been working on for several days now. Please continue to comment, pray, and check for updates! There was a slight issue this morning with bandwidth, but that has now been resolved. Thanks for your support! If you need anything, please email me at .

Matt's team became bakers for a day!

Allyson, Caleb, and Natalie waiting to eat at a Peruvian Cafe
Mom, Dad, Anna Claire, and Cindi,
Thank you so much for your prayers, emails, and IM’s. It has been such an encouragement. Please continue to pray for my team as we head out to do some one on one evangelism today. Love you all, and I’ll see you soon.
Matt Pritchett
Greetings Parents and Friends!
Wanted to let you know that God is doing great things here in Matucana. Yesterday evening the team got the chance to break off for a time of bible study and worship, and the Spirit moved! Your students are growing closer to Christ while seeking to bring the people of Peru with them! The students then had their own time of worship and prayer. The team is sleeping in a little bit today, and will be preparing for our 1st chance to perform our skit tonight at 7pm local time. Please be in prayer for them! Ryan’s team will be traveling back from the village around 5pm today and will meet up with us in order to perform tonight. Please continue praying and commenting, as they are definitely an encouragement and felt here in Peru!
Your Leadership Team

Lena and Tony's team presenting the dentist with our toothbrushes!

So much has happened it is hard to know what to tell you but they have such wonderful experiences. I just had some great wonton soup with my team. We shared the gospel at length couple- it was amazing to seem them full of questions. We taught in 2 classrooms, 4th 6th grades, teaching bible stories, english and giving them origami boats to match the story of jesus calms the storm. We also met with town officials about helping with the foot race the starts and finishes from this town. They want us to do our skit at the closing ceremony on a real stage and with a sound system. We rode by rickshaw motorcycle taxi to a nearby neighborhood where we taught in other schools. Other teams have been preparing to paint a mural in the kids’ park which the teens have designed. Several have helped make bread at the bakery. Our translators are wonderful we see the hand of god giving us words to say. My love to my dear Biju, Eden, Katie, Ben.